Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 6- Second Post

Today I’ll talk about the Second Life speeches. First of all, the whole idea kind of freaks me out. I know that’s probably not the most accepting attitude, but its just weird to me. It makes me think of a trailer I saw recently for a movie about the Avatar taking over.
Anyway, moving on, I do think it’s interesting figuring out how to advertise in this environment. It’s similar to what we’ve heard all class of needing to engage the consumers. It seems like real advertising doesn’t work, but the idea of bringing in experts or concerts or speeches will get attention. This makes sense with a more discriminatory audience that doesn’t want ads preached at it. It also does take a lot of commitment from the company that it needs to be updated almost constantly. Honestly, I’ve almost found Twitter to be exhausting. I can’t imagine some of these people who have the largest followings who seem to update 20-30 times a day. That is more than I could handle on a regular basis and asking a company to do that will be painful.
I do feel like games are a good place for advertising. If its done correctly you would actually “use” the ads. So if you’re driving a car, it could effectively be an ad for that car.
As far as the concerns that you can make any group in a virtual world, ie people who like chocolate milk, but you can’t keep them to keep caring about each other for more than 5 minutes, it made me think of our HR classes. You need to give them a “war”, or a common reason to care, not just expect them to because they are similar.

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