Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Week 3 First Post

I have the feeling my posts will be a lot shorter and fewer this week with time restrictions with in-residence. I did all the readings and videos/podcosts since I was again traveling internationally and had time on planes.
Social Media Article- Left with the feeling that companies need to be very careful since once the ball starts rolling it can get out of control. In alot of cases it's actually better to not try to defend problems since the backlash may be huge. Transparency is also more and more important now.
Long Tail- I found it interesting to see the shear number of consumers in the "tail". Honestly, I expected more. Seeing this is the big idea and is mentioned by everybody else, I was expecting it to be one of the more engaging articles. It might be different to read the entire thing though.
Social Web- I found it interesting to look at the bottom up approach and the interactions between businesses. The shear amount of stuff that can be tracked with current technology is also interesting. I found the Ford examples interesting with the CEO blog. Basically, in addition to employee buy-in, now companies also need to work for customer buy-in.

1 comment:

  1. Understand about the shorter posts. The in-residence was time-consuming.

    Your comment about the Long Tail is a good one. The theory has some validity, but I think that Chris Anderson is making more of it than is really there. The more I think about it, the more questions I have. There seems to be many countervailing forces against attempting to serve those in the tail of the distributions.
