Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week One- Final Update

A couple final thoughts on this week.
1. I finally looked into Tremor, P&G's teen based marketing structure. The program worked by offering teens coupons, samples, and downloads for promoting their products through word of mouth advertising. The program had 225,000 kids involved in 2006. The downside of the program was that P&G's products mainly focus on adults. This led to most of the Tremor products belonging to other companies using P&G's program. This says alot about the different relationships that are developing recently between non competitive corporations. It also makes me wonder if P&G was also working on building future customers. The negative of the program is a current charge with the federal trade commission based on the fact that the teens do not identify themselves as being biased in discussions. (Businessweek 2006-
2. I was given the following link by a friend which looks at how LinkedIn users use/integrate with Twitter:
3. Finally, overall I think I learned alot about how marketing has changed through community/social media/the digital move. Its also interesting to see how issues are arising such as privacy invasions and questionable practices like Tremor that have no historical basis to work off of. It should be interesting to see what comes up next as these trends grow.

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